Friday, April 04, 2008

Today's students take the Internet for granted and want to use it in school

We have seen that today's students have been raised with information technology (see
Beloit College Mindset list and Characteristics of today's students).

In a recent three part column, Robert Cringley noted that schools are now full of computers, but, increasingly, technical resources are devoted to keeping students from using their information technology -- defending against instant messaging, blogging, Web surfing, reading and writing email, twittering, playing games, etc. during class and exams as well as against plagiarism.

Cringley thinks we will be forced to accept student's use of technology, stating

We've reached the point in our (disparate) cultural adaptation to computing and communication technology that the younger technical generations are so empowered they are impatient and ready to jettison institutions most of the rest of us tend to think of as essential, central, even immortal. They are ready to dump our schools (my emphasis).
That is a strong statement -- do you feel it is over the top?

You can read Cringley's three columns for yourself Column 1, Column 2, and Column 3.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    It is true that now with all this technology it does make it easier for students to goof off instead of doing what they are suppose to be doing. But if someone is intent on not paying attention, they won't no matter what devices they have. Its like saying that TV distracts students from doing their homework or that the mall gives students temptation not to go to school.

    On the other side of the arguement, the internet has made information for prospective students at their finger tips, like how to apply for college and what is needed and even the ability to see what classes or open and the chance to communicate with the teacher through email.

    People naturally abuse power, like people who speed eventhough they are not suppose to. There are more serious issues to worry about than a student that plays games on their Palm Treo, like preparing students for life after they graduate and how to be social in the work place.
